Friday, 30 January 2015

Recent Downloads and New Discoveries - Banks, Jack Garrett, FKA Twigs & Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift (really loving her right now) - Blank Space & Shake It Off
FKA Twigs - Two Weeks, Pendulum & Lights Off
Jack Garratt (this guy's voice is amazing! You have to give him a listen) - Water, Worry, I Couldn't Want You Anyway & Remnants
José González - Stay Alive, This Is How We Walk on the Moon & Step Out
Banks - Goddess (this whole album... I paid money for it, and I've only done that for Beyonce before!)
Wanklemut & Emma Louise - My Head is a Jungle (MK Radio Edit)
Jess Glynne - Right Here


Friday, 23 January 2015

Kiehl's Creamy Eye Treatment with Avocado | Review

Size: 14g // 0.5 fl oz.

Price: £20 (£33 for 28g)

Pros: First of all, this eye cream feels so luxurious, it's thick, creamy (as the name would suggest) and really moisturising. As far as I can tell there is no smell to it, and although it surprised me when I first opened it, I've come to like its greenish colour. This was a christmas gift from my mum which I had asked for because I'm starting to notice fine lines appearing under my eyes... at 22, how depressing. Anyway, I figured it was worth investing in a good eye cream to try and nip the problem in the bud. I've been using it about 4-5 times a week for almost 4 weeks now and although the lines are still there, I can see an improvement - they seem to be smaller and shallower which it great! Also, I can tell this pot is going to last me for years, you only need to tiniest amount.

Cons: Being so creamy, I find I can only use this at night, as it takes ages to properly sink into the skin. I would never be patient enough to use this before apply my makeup! The only other con is the price tag - £20 is pretty steep for such a small pot. But then a little does go a long way, so I suppose £20 over a year or two isn't so bad?

What do you guys think? Have any of you got any other eye creams you would recommend? Let me know :) 


Saturday, 17 January 2015

Q & A a Day: 5-Year Journal

I would love to keep a journal, and I try it every year but never really make it past March. This Q and A a day, 5-year journal really caught my eye as something a little different and something that might be easier to keep doing.

Firstly, how gorgeous is it!? I love the design on the front cover, I think it looks really classic and elegant, and this theme continues inside. Also, the edges of the pages are gold! Gold! They're so reflective you can even see me taking the photo above. I love it, it's really unusual and gives the book quite a luxurious feel. 

The journal dedicates a day to each page, at the top of which is a question; these range from simple questions such as, "How did you start your day?" and "What was the last restaurant you went to?", to more thought-provoking ones such as "What's your mission?" and "Can people change?". It has a few lines for you to you to write an answer, next to which you can mark the year, and (being a 5-year journal), there are 5 places for you to do this. 

So far I'm doing really well with it, filling it in every night before bed, and I'm loving it. I like seeing what the questions are going to be each day and it gives you a moment to reflect. It's exciting thinking about how my answers may differ next year, let alone in 5 years time! I would definitely recommend this journal to anyone who likes the idea of keeping a diary but wants something a bit different.

You can purchases it from Amazon here.

Do any of you guys keep diaries or anything like this question a day journal? 


Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Benefit Erase Paste | Review

Size: 4.4g

Price: £20.50

Pros: This paste is a lovely thick and creamy formula. It blends easily and has a high coverage. There is also a salmony/orange undertone to it which helps cancel out the purple/blue tones of dark circles. It comes in a lovely neat little box, with a leaflet explaining how to use it, and a little plastic spatula for 'scooping' the product out of the little glass jar which contains it. A little bit really goes a long way too, a pot of this can easily last me almost a year!

Cons: Even though I know this will last me a long time, I still feel like the price is a little too steep. Plus, although I do like the look of the packaging, the idea of having the product sitting in an open pot, which you are dipping into every time, isn't very sterile.
Apart from a couple of cons, overall I love this product simply for its brilliant coverage! However, it will always be something that I ask for as a gift due to the high price tag.

Have any of you guys tried this? What do you think? Let me know!


Saturday, 10 January 2015

My Goals For 2015 | New Year's Resolutions & SMART Targets

I love making new years resolutions, I often set resolutions for myself throughout the year, however the start of a new year is a really good time to assess what you want to improve in your life, and make resolutions to achieve that. This year, i've decided to look at things a bit differently - I'll be setting goals and targets for myself, instead of making resolutions. I don't mean to sound pedantic, but I do think there is a genuine and significant difference between 'goals' and 'resolutions'.

Did you ever have to do SMART targets in college? I know I did, and they seemed like such a pain at the time, but looking at it now I can see that they're actually a really useful and effective tool in setting targets. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic & Timely (within a time frame). I shall be setting goals for myself this way, so instead of having one of my resolutions to simply be 'read more books', I'm going to set myself the target of reading one new book a month. That way I have a specific target - one new book - within a specific time frame - each month. It's easy to measure and in my view one book a month is an attainable and realistic goal. Do you see what I mean?

Read More Books
Read at least one new book each month
I know I don't read enough, I love reading but I never make the time for it. Almost every year I tell myself 'read more' but its never been specific enough to actually make a difference. I think reading one new book a month is a good goal that I can stick too. My reading list so far includes Thursdays in the Park by Hilary Boyd, The Mouseproof Kitchen by Saira Shah, Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert and Yes Please by Amy Poehler, amongst many many others. Ideally I'd like to start reviewing the books I read too, but we'll see about that, one step at a time.

Sleep Earlier, Rise Earlier
In bed by 11, asleep by midnight. Out of bed before 9.30, ideally before 9.
I often find myself staying up late for no reason, especially living away from home, I find I easily lose track of time and end up watching YouTube videos until 1am. Then I'll sleep in the next morning until 11 or 12 and be angry at myself for wasting the morning. However, you get into a routine, and the following night I wont be tired until 1am again, and so the vicious cycle continues. I want to get into a good routine this year. I know that the earlier I go to sleep, the earlier I can get up. I enjoy being up early, but I enjoy my sleep too and I'm the type of person who needs at least 8 hours to function properly. So this year, other than nights out and a well deserved lie in here and there, normally I want to be in bed by 11, asleep by 12. And in the morning I want to be up and out of bed by 9.30, ideally by 9am. 

Study More
At least 1 hour of work 6 days a week. 
Study more, or get better at doing uni work seems to be another resolution that I set every year. So again, this year I making a specific goal for myself - to do at least 1 hour of study 6 out of 7 days of the week. Easily attainable and realistic right? We'll see.

Try New Recipes 
Try at least 1 new recipe each month.
I love food, and I really do enjoy cooking. I love watching cooking programs and reading cooking books, and I always tell myself I'm going to try all these delicious looking recipes, but unfortunately I can be very lazy, and often tend to stick to things that are easy, and things that I know well. But i do really want to expand my repertoire and improve my cooking skills. So again, we have a SMART target - 1 new recipe per month. To me that's very realistic (considering my laziness) and should be attainable. New recipes and dishes are another thing I'd like to post about on here, but I need to actually get cooking them first!

Become More Flexible in Yoga 
Achieve putting my heels down in 'down dog', and being able to hold my feet in 'deep forward fold'. 
'Get more flexible' is another one that seems to be constantly on my resolution list. I've recently started doing yoga fairly regularly (2-3 times a week, something that I'm loving and aiming to continue) and these two poses are two that I particularly want to achieve. They're only small goals, nothing particularly spectacular about putting your heels down in down dog, but they still represent big achievements for me. I would rather start small and achieve them within 6 months, than set myself a big goal that would be really hard to achieve in a year - such as being able to do the splits comfortably, which is the ultimate goal, but again, one step at a time is the best way to go.

Be Able to do a Headstand
Be able to comfortably hold a yoga headstand unsupported.
I think this one pretty much speaks for itself... I just really want to be able to do a headstand haha and I have a fear of being upside down, so I would love to conquer that at the same time. 

What are your goals for 2015? 


Friday, 2 January 2015

What I Got For Christmas 2014

Q and A a day: 5 Year Journal (here)

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff: Simple Ways to Keep the Little Things from Taking Over Your Life - Richard Carlson (here)

Maleficent on DVD (here)

First Aid Beauty Ultra Repair Oatmeal Mask (here)

Badger Balm Classic Lip Kit - Green (here)

Benefit Erase Paste (here)

Kiehl's Creamy Eye Treatment with Avocado (here)

Urban Decay Primer Potion (here)

Paperchase Noto 2015 Diary (here)

Reviews of all of these coming up soon! What did you guys get for christmas? :)
