Saturday, 6 April 2013

Garnier Fresh Essentials Refreshing Cleansing Lotion Review

I picked this up at the end of February since i was looking for a cream cleanser. I wrote about it briefly in 'this haul' after using it for about a week. I loved it at first - it smelt gorgeous and was great at removing my make-up. I'd use it every night on a cotton pad after removing the majority using a face wipe, and it left my skin feeling so clean and really soft and fresh. It was all going swimmingly until the end of the second week of use, when i noticed my skin started to break out really badly. I rarely get spots, unless it's 'ladies' week', but it wasn't and this was the only recent variable to my skin routine, plus i've used it again since then only to have the same effect. It was a really bad breakout which resulted in me having to employ the use of a spot cream which ended up only adding to my skin problems (post all about that up tomorrow!). 
I think it only affected me the way it did because my skin is very spot prone when it comes to things left on it - if i used it in future, i would wash it off before bed. 


  1. Such a shame it made you break out. Defo going to avoid this!Xx

    Lucy Cole | A UK Fashion Blog

    1. I knoww, i was really sad, especially because i now have practically a whole bottle going to waste. It was only £1.50, but i still hate wasting product! xx

  2. Good cleaners can be hard to find so its a shame this one broke you out :(.. i think im going to try the Liz Earle one next but its soo pricey

    great post


    1. Thank you :) I really wanted to try Liz Earle but the price tag is just too much! I'm using the body shops seaweed cleansing wash at the moment and it's working really well, might do a little review soon :) xx

  3. I brought this and as I have dry and sensitive skin I had an allergic reaction! My face was red, sore and some parts swollen! It was horrible! Xx

    1. Oh my gosh, that sounds awful!! It's scary when something can have that effect on your skin! Definitely gonna stay away from this for good now then, thanks for the warning, hope your skin is all better now :) xx

  4. Thanks for the review! I think this one is supposed to be washed off, even if it isn't I think you're right in using it that way :)


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