Monday 14 January 2013

(Late) New Years Resolutions. 2013.

Like most people, i always make New Years Resolutions but rarely stick to them. I do still like to make them though. I think it's always important to try to better yourself and aim for certain things. However, i think it's also important to remember to keep your goals realistic. If you make them unachievable you will only end up stressing yourself out and feeling disappointed.
So here are my resolutions for 2013 (even if i am two weeks late).

 *Drink More Water*
I'm definitely with Zoella on this one - I always feel so much better when I make the effort to drink more water. And my skin definitely benefits from it too. I always take a bottle of water to Uni with me but often don't finish it even though it's only 75cl. Not drinking enough also results in me having terrible headaches every day which make me feel tired and fed up.

*Eat More. But Healthily*
Since starting Uni in September I've lost weight. Some girls might think that's brilliant but for me it's terrible news. I was underweight before starting (thanks to my super fast metabolism) and I always struggle to keep weight on, let alone put more one. I've been the same weight for about the past 5 years!  So losing some was really not what I wanted. It's just hard at uni, having the motivation and the energy to cook anything substantial as well as fitting three meals a day around my awkward timetable - i often start at lunchtime and once a week I'm in till 9 making having any sort of proper dinner impossible. This term (and for the rest of the year) I'm determined to push myself to eat proper meals regularly in order to try and regain the weight that i've lost. However, i need to make sure I do it healthily - i can't just start living off Dominos and McDonalds because it won't do my insides any good and it'll only leave me feeling sluggish and lethargic. This is not going well so far - i've had two huge McDonalds meals in the past 5 days.

*Go To Bed Earlier*
When i lived at home it was unusual for me to stay up very late, now i'm at Uni though its so easy to lose track of time (not even doing anything important) and end up not going to bed till 1/2 in the morning. It's really not doing me any favors - i'm tired all the time and find it so hard to get up in the morning before about half 10. I really need to get my body clock back in order. I need to start going to bed around 11, especially on nights when i have Uni the next day! I'm hoping it'll also allow me to get up earlier in order to take advantage of the whole day to get stuff done. Which leads me nicely on to my next resolution.....

*Stop Leaving Things Until The Last Minute*
I am the biggest procrastinator I know. I'm so easily distracted as well. Everything I do gets left till the last minute - from packing before going away, to getting my uni work done. I really need to stop doing it because it frustrates me so much and only causes me way more stress in the long run. From now on i'm going to push myself to be more productive with my time and not get so easily distracted. When I get given work next semester I'm gonna start it straight away instead of leaving it until a week before the deadline!

*Be More Selfish*
This might sound like I strange resolution, and just to clear things up I don't mean being selfish as in not being generous and kind and helpful, i just mean i feel like i need to look out for myself more often. I'm often way too tolerant with people, and too nice and never stand up for myself which ends up meaning people just take advantage of me and walk all over me and i'm always too shy, too scared and too nice to say anything. It's got to the point where i really need to stop taking shit from people because it just makes me feel so unhappy. I need to start doing more for myself, looking out for myself, and most importantly standing up for myself! I need to stop people taking advantage of me and I want to find nicer people to surround myself with. People who make me happy, instead of making me feel drained and bad about myself. I also wanna focus on doing the stuff I want to do. I feel like I need to have some new focuses this year as what I've given all my focus and efforts to over the past year could unfortunately disappear at any moment. This year I wanna be able to make myself happy instead of relying on someone else to it. Something that, sadly, i haven't been able to do for the past 3 years. I seem to have forgotten how to. Hopefully this will result in me feeling more positive and happy.


  1. These are some really decent - and achievable! - resolutions. And I really need to follow suit on the majority - I stay up so late at uni for no reason at all, and there's no way I drink enough water!!

  2. I used to be a bit of a New Year grinch and always thought resolutions were pointless, but as you said I've realised its really important to have goals to push yourself and to feel better :)writing a post for it too is a really good idea as it reminds you what you want to achieve!

    1. Yeah i thought that, it'll be good to come back to this post as the months go by and see how i'm getting on :)

  3. So agree on not being able to sleep until late at uni!

    Just followed, looking forward to see what you post next :)


    1. Heyy sorry for the late reply! I'm not doing well with the getting to bed earlier so far! :/ it's so much harder at uni than when i'm at home!
      Thank youu :) I LOVE your blog! Definitely following back :) xx


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