Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Goodbye 2013

I began this blog 12 months ago, and am sad to say that i only got 5 months in before giving up. However, next year, i'm going to give this blogging lark another go.

For now, i thought i'd do a quick round up of the year in 15 questions :)

1: What did you do in 2013 that you’d never done before?
Started a blog. Went in an ambulance. Visited Poland. Stayed in hostels. Went on a night train. Followed a fitness regime (for a couple of months). Went abroad with my boyfriend. Went to a festival abroad. Started pole fitness classes (something i've always wanted to try). Visited Blackpool. Went to a Ben Howard gig. Saw the Mrs Carter tour! Saw Biffy Clyro and City & Colour in concert.

2: Did you keep your new year’s resolutions?
No, unfortunately i never seem too although i will always make new ones.

3: Did anyone close to you give birth?
No but my cousin is due to give birth in 6 weeks! So excited :D

4: Did anyone close to you die?
Thankfully not.

5: What countries did you visit?
Turkey (June). Poland (July). Dubai (November).

6: What was your biggest achievement of the year?
I achieved a 2.1. in my first year at uni. Kinda wish it actually counted.

7: Did you suffer illness or injury?
I contracted a pretty nasty stomach bug at the started of April which landed me in hospital. Other than that i've been pretty lucky this year.

8: What song will always remind you of 2013?
Anything by Miguel or CHVRCHES. Anything from Everything Everything's album Arc. Anything from the 1975's album.

9: What do you wish you’d done more of?
Traveling. Fitness. Going out.

10: How did you spend Christmas?
At home with my family.

11: Did you fall in love in 2013?
I stayed in love <3

12: What was your favourite TV program?
Game of Thrones i think. Breaking Bad is close second. Oh, Keeping up with the Kardashians has been a guilty pleasure of mine too.

13: What was your favourite film of this year?
I can't possibly pick one. Some of the best have been The Great Gatsby, Anna Karenina & The Hobbit.

14: Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Beyonce. As always.

15: What are your resolutions for 2014?
- Get back into my fitness. I follow Blogilates on youtube with Cassey Ho, do any of you guys watch her? She's brilliant :)
- Start writing this blog again.
- Work harder at uni.

I tag everyone who reads this to do one too! It's great looking back and thinking of everything you've done. Let me know in the comments if you do so that i can read yours :)

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Spring Make-up - Coral Lips and Lilac Nails.

It finally feels like spring is here :) It's been noticeably sunnier recently and it's definitely warmer - full gloves, scarf and ear muffs set is no longer a necessity on my walk to and from uni! haha
With this is mind i was feeling rather springy the other morning and decided my make-up should reflect this - please welcome soft coral lips and lilac nails! Hope you like :)
Lipstick - Oh La La by Topshop
Nail Varnish - Purple Sherbet by Ciate

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Garnier Moisture Match Free Samples

Just found out that Garnier are doing free samples of their new tailor made moisturisers - pick wisely though, its only one sample per person!

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

OOTD - Mint & Monochrome

Last night i went for a lovely pub dinner with my boyfriend, this is what i wore...
Top - Asos (Last Summer) // Skirt - H&M // Topshop Studded Flats // Topshop Nails in Minted
I had chicken enchiladas with the biggest, most delicious potato wedges ever, and a little side salad, and for dessert we shared a carmel, chocolate and vanilla sundae, topped with whipped cream, chocolate sauce, crunchy caramel pieces and a flake! Mmmm......

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Product Warning - OXY 'On The Spot'

Oxy On the Spot is a cream with 2.5% Benzoyl Peroxide - apparently quite a high level for a 'non-over-the-counter' product. It is sold as a spot treatment and works by drying the skin in order to prevent the spot from coming to a head, or helping it heal quicker. I've used it before on the odd spot now and again and it's done a pretty good job of making them disappear.

A couple of weeks ago I broke out pretty badly on my right cheek and my chin. I'm pretty sure it was due to my Garnier Cleansing Lotion which I reviewed in my previous post (here).

Sunday (10th March) Evening
- I noticed my skin was starting to brake out. I was planning to see my boyfriend on Friday (15th), and didn't exactly fancy greeting him as a spotty mess, so i dug my oxy on the spot out of my bathroom and proceeded to apply it to my spotty areas.

Monday & Tuesday night
- I applied it again and noticed the spots were fading well as time progressed.

Wednesday morning 
- I was happy to see that my spots had gone. 
Wednesday afternoon
- I noticed that my skin was feeling particularly tight and looked a little dry under my make-up. I knew that this product worked by drying the skin so didn't think too much of it. 
Wednesday night 
- I used a thicker moisturizer than i normally would to combat the dryness. 

Thursday morning 
- My skin was worse - it was very dry and sore, and even though I moisturized really well it was flaky causing my foundation to cling to it. It got dryer as the morning progressed meaning that by the afternoon i had two large (very ugly) flaky patches on my cheek and chin. I was horrified. That night I applied a really thick coat of softening moisturizer and hoped for the best.

Friday morning 
- My skin was no better. I gently exfoliated and moisturized well, which eliminated the flakes for a short while but my skin was still very red and sore and even stung when I put foundation on it. As soon as i arrived at my boyfriend's, i took my make-up off because it was making my skin feel worse. I applied a large amount of moisturiser and kept on reapplying it throughout the afternoon which did seem to cause the flakiness to subside. 
Friday evening 
- Although not particularly dry, my skin was very sore and so red in places that it showed through two coats of a medium coverage foundation, which stung quite badly as i was applying it while getting ready to go out.

Saturday & Sunday 
- My skin was even worse over the weekend. I kept it make-up free, and was applying moisturiser morning, noon and night but my skin continued to be dry and flaky, and not just a little, i'm talking large visible flakes all over my cheek and chin. It was constantly sore and tight feeling and very red. You could even see a visible border between where i'd applied the cream and where I hadn't. To be honest it looked and felt like a burn. It was absolutely horrible. I even applied savlon on saturday night to try to speed up the healing process.

Luckily, my skin finally managed to heal itself. By Monday morning it was starting to get better, but it wasn't until Wednesday (20th) morning that my skin was fully healed and the redness had gone down.

Looking back I wish i'd left my skin spotty - they'd have probably come to a head and began to heal by friday and at least I could've covered them using make-up while they were healing. Instead i had to put up with horrifically sore, red and flaky skin which took a whole week to heal.

However, despite the problems it caused me, i would use this cream again, just with great caution! I would only use it on specific spots instead of large areas of broken out skin, and I wouldn't apply it more than 2 nights in a row. I would recommend any of you that are using it to do the same :)

Let me know if any of you guys have had trouble with this or any other products!

Garnier Fresh Essentials Refreshing Cleansing Lotion Review

I picked this up at the end of February since i was looking for a cream cleanser. I wrote about it briefly in 'this haul' after using it for about a week. I loved it at first - it smelt gorgeous and was great at removing my make-up. I'd use it every night on a cotton pad after removing the majority using a face wipe, and it left my skin feeling so clean and really soft and fresh. It was all going swimmingly until the end of the second week of use, when i noticed my skin started to break out really badly. I rarely get spots, unless it's 'ladies' week', but it wasn't and this was the only recent variable to my skin routine, plus i've used it again since then only to have the same effect. It was a really bad breakout which resulted in me having to employ the use of a spot cream which ended up only adding to my skin problems (post all about that up tomorrow!). 
I think it only affected me the way it did because my skin is very spot prone when it comes to things left on it - if i used it in future, i would wash it off before bed. 

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Topshop Make-up - Blush Stick in Acting up - Review & Swatches

I spotted this when shopping in my local Topshop the other day (featured in my previous haul post - here), and was probably a lot more excited about it than i naturally should've been. It's a twist-up stick of a very bright, coral-toned-orange, cream blush - so bright that it put me off at first. However, once tested, i found that i could easily blend it out to a lovely peachy colour. It reminds me of the Nars multiple sticks, and although it's not marketed as more than a blush, i'm sure it would do no harm to use it on the lips, and eyes if you wanted. It was this 'multiple' quality that attracted me to it; I'm going holiday-ing and traveling quite a bit over summer and i figured this lovely little product will save me space, doubling up as a blush and a lipstick. I think the peachy orange tone will look perfect with a tan too! 
I've been using it quite a bit since i bought it and i find that the peachy coraly colour (so technical) is really flattering on my skin tone. It's super quick to apply and blends easily, sinking into the skin, giving a very natural look. It also blends onto the lips fairly easily too, giving a very subtle colour. The only negative I would say i have noticed so far is it's lack of staying power - it looks lovely for the first hour or so but then it just seems to disappear, so definitely a product that would need to be kept handy for touch-ups now and again.
The product retails for £10 which i think is quite reasonable since you only need a very small amount each time, and it doubles up as a lipstick. Buy here.
Topshop also sell a bright pink version of this product called Sneakpeak for the same price, available here.

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Collective Haul - Topshop, Primark & The Body Shop

Black & White Crop Tops - £8 each // Coral Flats - £16  // Purple Skater Skirt - £16  // Cream Blush Stick - £10
Spike Shoulder Tank - £5 // Cropped Leggings - £3 // Beach Playsuit - £7 // Bikini Bottoms - £4 // Lace Crop Top - £4
Aloe Vera Toner - £8 // Seaweed Cleansing Wash - £8 // Seaweed Clay Mask - £12

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Let's Get Fit! My April Fitness Regime - Blogilates

Every year, around late spring time, i always get the urge to get fit - not lose weight, just tone up and improve my stamina and strength. This year's no different, especially now that i'm faced with the prospect of revealing my bikini bod to a beach-full of people in June. 
I first discovered Blogilates, a YouTube channel run by pilates insrtuctor Cassey Ho, around this time last year. I loved it instantly - she's so funny and she always sets her workouts to current, poppy music - it really makes working out enjoyable. Also, her videos are mostly about building muscle tone and strength rather than cardio, which is perfect for me. 
I've been subscribed to her channel since last year but (i hate to admit it) not been doing, or even watching the videos, until this last week. During one of them she mentioned a challenge she's running over April - to do all of her 127 videos in 30 days. She's created a calender that, once signed up to her newsletter, you can download and print off. So, i'm going to be trying that and seeing how many days i can do it for before i literally can't move! I'll let you know how it goes! Today i did arms, back and legs and i think i've already pulled my calves and shoulders.

Sunday, 31 March 2013

April Wishlist - Turkey Here I Come!

Me and my boyfriend recently booked a holiday to Turkey so this month's wish list is devoted to holiday clothes. I've also decided to start looking after my skin more - so cleansing and toning every morning and night, and using a mask every couple of weeks. I want to be able to go make-up free in Turkey and if that's going to happen my skin needs to get it's act together! I love the body shop's seaweed range - even though it can be a little pricy, it's the only skincare range that really works on my combination skin.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8

Hope you guys like my choices and are all having a great Easter weekend :) Let me know what you've got your eyes on for this summer! 
Massive haul and a couple of product reviews coming up for you soon :)

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Bourjois Healthy Mix Foundation - Old vs. New


Okay, so i'm not sure how long the Healthy Mix foundation had been in it's current glass packaging but when i popped into superdrug to pick up a new bottle of it the other day it was new to me. 
Old Bottle (Left) vs. New Bottle (Right)
My previous bottle was very boring, ugly plastic - great for traveling but not exactly a looker on my dressing table. The new glass bottle may not be very safe to travel with but it sure does look nice (i'm a right sucker for packaging!). The shiny bottle is much more sleek and sophisticated looking than the old plastic one and that extra weight and little 'clink' noise when you tap it just some how makes it feel so much more high end - is that sad? 
I personally think that the design on the front it better too. It practically says exactly the same just in a different order. It's kept the same claims too - 16hr wear, radiant glow, good for your skin, fruit extracts, etc. - but we'll talk about those in the 'formula' section. I also LOVE the little picture of the fruit on the new bottle too - so cute!
I find the pump on the new one is better than before. I constantly struggled with the previous pump - is was hard to control making any hope of just getting half a pump impossible, that's if it decided to work at all. Sometimes I used to press it over and over and nothing would come out, even when full it would act like it was empty then suddenly, during my manic, constant pumping and giant blob would spurt out and go everywhere. Such a pain! The new pump however is performing pretty flawlessly so far - no acting empty or spurting and it's much easier to control meaning i can quite easily have a full pump or just a quarter one of i want it.
Overall i'd definitely say 'New' is the winner in terms of packaging! 


Although i love with the new packaging, i was worried that new packaging could mean a new formula, something i really didn't want since i was really truly madly deeply with the old one! The colours are still numbered the same so i picked up the same as before - 52.
Old Foundation(Left Blob) vs. New (Right Blob) - Colour in Electric Light, Natural Light, & Thickness Test
 At first in the bottle they looked the same, and even in the photos, although looking at them now I can see that the new one is ever so slightly darker. It's when applied to the face though, that this colour difference becomes really prominent. Heartbreakingly, the new one is noticeably darker and more orange toned than my beloved old one. This might be alright come the end of June when i've got a tan, but at the moment, although a could probably just about get away with it, i really don't like it. The finish is disappointing too. The finish of the old one was really pretty - although fairly sheer it really did make my skin look healthy and dewy. In contrast the only 'glow' i get with this one is its buttery shine - it doesn't glide on half as smoothly and although thicker, the coverage isn't actually any better, instead it just seems to go blotchy and sit in my pores. This, combined with its slightly 'oompa-loompa' effect is very ugly and makes my skin look far from healthy. It's only plus point is that it is longer lasting (still not 16 hrs though, more like 8-10) than the old formula, so at least i can be a consistent oompa loompa.
My only thought about the formula issue is that perhaps they purposely made it thicker when they brought out the Healthy Mix Serum in order to marker two very different foundations - if anyone has used the serum version i'd really appreciate hearing your thoughts on it. 
Overall, old one is my champion in terms of formula, so much so that i would give up the swanky new glass packaging to have it back!

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Celia Birtwell for Uniqlo Wishlist

Sorry I've been AWOL for a while - been super busy at uni! It is the start of my Easter holidays next week though so hopefully that'll mean more time for blogging :) 
Although i haven't been posting, I have still been reading other peoples blogs. On Daisy's blog I read about a new collaboration between 60s designer Celia Birtwell and stylish high-street store Uniqlo - read Daisy's post here. Once I saw the Vogue preview page, i had to do a wishlist - the collection is gorgeous, and i love how reasonable the prices are.
I'm a bit obsessed with the leggings, I kind of want them all but i've just to included my 3 favourites. 
Leggings - £12.90 // Shirt - £19.90 // Tote Bag - £9.90
The collection goes on sale in-store and online today so get buying as I'm sure this is gonna sell out fast! 

Saturday, 9 March 2013

My Everyday Make-Up Routine

I like the Mac Longwear Foundation because of it's long lasting finish, and it's good coverage, although i do find it too heavy when worn alone. I also like that it has an SPF of 10. NC20 is perfect for me when I have a tan, but it is too dark for me at the moment, so mixing it with an equal amount of Healthy Mix not only lightens the colour, but also sheers out the coverage. I apply this in circular, buffing motions using my Real Techniques Buffing Brush.

I used to use Erase Paste by Benefit but wanted to try something new, and had heard good things about this one so decided to try it out. Although i do love how creamy and soft it is, and it does give good coverage, the Erase Paste was much better at covering my under eye circles, so i shall be switching back to that after I finish this one. I dab this on under my eyes, around my nose, mouth and where i suffer from redness, and on any blemishes.

I love this blusher, it's such a pretty warm pinky peach colour, easy to wear all year round, and the cream formula really sinks into the skin making it look like a natural flush. I dab this onto my cheeks using my fingers, starting on the apples and blending outwards and up my cheekbones.

After applying primer potion all over my eyelids, I powder over and under my eyes, and down my T-Zone using the Real Techniques Contour Brush from the Core Collection - it's so soft and i find it the perfect size for powdering my face. The powder I use is Rimmel's Clear Complexion Powder - it smashed so I ground it down and put in an an old Sheer Cover powder jar, so i now use it like a loose powder with I actually prefer.

Sometimes, if i feel like I need some extra colour on my cheeks I'll use this over the top of Posey. I also think it sets the cream, making the overall colour last longer. Same story here as with the Rimmel Powder - it got smashed so I put it in another old powder jar that I found. I use my beloved Elf Blush Brush to apply this.

For my eyes I use a large flat (unbranded) brush to apply Nougat (a matte ivory) into my inner coner and across my eye lid. I then use a smaller (again, unbranded) brush to apply Bark (a cool toned matte brown) to my outer corner and along my crease. I also use Bark on a 266 brush from Mac, to fill in and define my eyebrows. Read my review on this palette here.

I love felt tip liners - i find them so much easier to use than anything else! And for the price, this one is brilliant and gives amazing colour payoff and pretty good staying power when used with a primer. I like to apply it in a classic 'winged' shape. 

Lastly I curl my lashes and apply a couple of coats of this mascara to the top and bottom lashes. I do really like this mascara, but it's not the one - i'm still yet to find Mr. Right on my seemingly never-ending search. I buy a different mascara every time, but don't yet have my sights set on anything in particular for when this one dries up, so recommendations would be much appreciated!

Hope you enjoyed this post, what are your everyday treasures? Let me know if you would like to see a full review of any of the products I've mentioned :) 

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

1916 - In Defense of Make-up

I found this brilliant quote yesterday while researching the history of make-up for one of my Uni modules. From a 1916 edition of McClure's Magazine:
"Natural beauty, indeed may be regarded as so much raw material which the artist has the right to adapt and enhance. Of course, there will always be silly women who think of nothing else but their looks, and there will always be bad artists who over-do the thing. Perhaps if they were to sign their complexions - as other artists sign their pictures - they would take more care of and pride in them. Certainly some complexions are such masterpieces that one often longs to know the name of the artist." 
Richard Le Gallienne             

Monday, 4 March 2013

Collective Haul - Primark, H&M, Superdrug & more

So, i've done it again. I don't mean to, it somehow just seems to happen! Anyway, i'm pretty pleased with my purchases so i can't complain too much :)

First of all, i made another trip to Primark, i really need to stop going in there because i always find so much that i want. I went back in for a basic khaki tee from the men's section. My boyfriend had bought it a couple of weeks ago, and i wanted one too, as i love the colour and it's one of those t shirts i'll be able to get a lot of wear out of. I'm also a sucker for roll sleeves. While there i spotted a rather bright, slightly sheer, crop top which i completely fell in love with! Not everyone's cup of tea i know, but i can't wait to wear it in summer. Lastly, i found some lovely statement collar tips.
Crop Top - £6 // Khaki Tee - £4 // Collar Tips - £1.50
I visited Nottingham last weekend to see my boyfriend, and I always love doing a bit of shopping while i'm up there as they have some really nice vintage shops. I found a new one this time called Backlash on Market Street, where i picked up a gorgeous cream cable knit jumper for just £12.99! I've wanted a jumper like this for years, but have never bought one because they're always normally over £20. I was contemplating getting the one with elbow patches from Primark but that was £14, and this is much nicer, so i'm feeling rather smug. For anyone in the Nottingham area, Backlash had a whole huge rack full of jumpers like this, all for £12.99 so definitely go check them out! It's really long but i prefer wearing it tucked under, like in the photo below.
Vintage Cable Knit Jumper - £12.99
Finally, i visited H&M because i wanted one of their basic black bodycon skirts. I also had a look at the jewllwery while in there and - hallelujah - i finally found a gorgeous spiky necklace! 2 of them in this case! I've been after a statement/collar/triangle/spiky necklace for literally a year and i was so happy when i spotted these. They are two separate necklaces sold together. The first is shorter with a thick chain and with 7 small triangles equally spaced across the front. The second one is longer with a much thinner double chain. On the slightly longer of the two chains there are 11 inch long spikes.
Two Gold Statement Necklaces - £6.99 // Basic Skirt - £3.99

The other day, i was in poundland, on the hunt for cheap paint brushes, and i made an amazing discovery - they sell dove shampoos! I love the dove shampoos and conditioners, i think they're such good quality and my hair seems to love them too. I couldn't believe i could get them for a pound each! So i picked up a couple I haven't tried before - the volume boost shampoo, and the nourishing oil care conditioner. I always tend to by mismatching shampoo and conditioner since my roots and ends have totally different needs. Full review on those coming soon!
I also popped into Superdrug while in Nottingham as i was on the hunt for a liquid cleanser. After much deliberation (and a large amount of very bored and annoyed sighing from my boyfriend) i settled on the Garnier Fresh Essentials cleanser with Grape extract. I liked what it promised on the back, and i tired it on the back of my hand and it smelt amazing and left my skin feeling so soft. I really like it so far - full review on that coming up too :) 
Dove Shampoo & Conditioner - £1 each // Garnier Cleanser - £1.50

Friday, 1 March 2013

March Wishlist

It's quite a small wish list this month. To be honest, i have my eye on a rather large selection of underwear, but i don't feel like we're quite close enough just yet for me to share my bra and knicker choices with you, so for now i've decided to keep it to the more 'family friendly' options.
Topshop Tank, Dungarees, Foundation, White Converse, Topshop Corset
First up is the Topshop cut away tank top (£10). I saw this in fashionsrocksmysocks's topshop haul video and just think it would be a great basic that i'd get a lot of wear out of.

Dunagrees are still very firmly on my wishlist. The ones in the picture above are actually from Topshop, but £36 is just too much for me so i've been scouting ebay for a cheaper version.

I'm coming to the end of my Boujois Healthy Mix foundation at the moment so know i'll be needing a replacement within the next couple of weeks. Although i do love the healthy mix, i feel like a change. So, if anyone can recommend me an affordable, medium coverage foundation that's good for combination skin i'd much appreciate it!

The aztec corset also caught my eye but, at £25 i need to find a cheaper version of that too!

Lastly, i've changed my want for new black boots to a want for some white hi tops. I had my eye one some gorgeous vintage pumas on ebay but was tragically outbid in the last second :( so vintage trainers or converse are the newest addition to my wishlist. 

Hope you like it :) let me know what you have your eyes on!
And *spoiler alert* I have a little haul coming up this week, with some H&M, Boots and of course Primark, so keep your eyes peeled for that too! :)

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Cleaning My Make-up Brushes - IPA

Cleaning my personal make-up brushes is something that i very rarely do - i know it's naughty but i just always forget to do it. I probably wash them once a year if that (i feel so grubby admitting that aha). I used to particularly loathe doing it because i used to use water and it would take them so long to dry. I'd have to leave them a good 24 hours, and even then sometimes the larger ones would still feel damp.
At Uni however, we have to clean our kit brushes every week because we're using them on each other and on clients at placements so it's really important to keep them clean and sterilized.
When i first started in September they introduced us to something called IPA (Isopropanol Alcohol). It's what make-up artists to use to to clean their brushes. It lifts any make-up out of the bristles really easily which means it's much quicker and more effective than using water with any brush cleaner. Also, being 100% alcohol means it will sterilize the brush and it will dry super fast - within 20 minutes. 
However, you have to be really carful with IPA, it is a toxic and dangerous product. It has to be kept safely and used responsibly. Brushes that have been washed in it should not be used for at least 4 hours  after washing as any residue can irritate the skin and can be potentially blinding if it goes near the eyes.

I got my bottle off Amazon for around £5 i think. I now use it for both my personal and kit brushes since it's so quick and easy. I pour a tiny amount into my sink and just swish the brushes around in it - you can see the colour coming out into the alcohol as you do this. Then i dab them off on a tissue, doing this will show you if any colour still remains if the bristles; if it does i repeat the swishing process - very technical i know. Once i'm satisfied that the brush is completely clean, i'll leave it lying on a flat surface to dry. It's never a good idea to use heat to quicken the drying process as this can melt the glue that holds the bristles in place. 

Hope you guys found this interesting :) let me know how you clean your brushes! 

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

OOTD - Topshop LA Tee

LA T-shirt - Topshop
Black Body-con Skirt - Primark
Wooly Tights - Primark
Black Trainer Wedges - Primark

Pantene Pro-V Repair & Protect Shampoo & Conditioner Review

I picked these up about a couple of months ago from Sainsbury's. I was looking for a repairing shampoo since my hair is pretty damaged and i suffer from awful split ends. This sounded like it was just what my hair needed and it was on offer - 2 for £6 i think, which i thought was pretty good for such huge bottles! (900ml in total)
I've got to say that i love the formula. It's really thick and creamy and opaque (even the shampoo) which i feel like is more intensive than normal clear formulas. It also smells lovely and can still be smelt even after washing out and drying the hair (not a good thing for everyone i know). It leaves my hair feeling super soft and well conditioned and it looks a lot healthier than it is.
My only (rather large) problem with this is that it makes my hair go greasy a lot quicker than my previous shampoo (Aussie Mega). I have naturally quite a greasy scalp and this shampoo makes it so much worse. Sometimes, i'll wash my hair in the morning, and by the afternoon it's already starting to look greasy! I don't mind it just for going to uni and such, but on days where I want my hair to look properly clean and stay looking that way for the whole day and the day after, i'll switch back to using my trusty Aussie Mega shampoo.
I think this would be a great shampoo for people with a normal to dry scalp, just stay clear if you have a tendency to get greasy quickly. Other than that problem, it really does seem to do what it claims. You can buy it from Boots - the shampoo (500ml) here & the conditioner (400ml) here.

Friday, 15 February 2013

Topshop, Primark & Asos Haul

So, even though I'm meant to be saving money, over the last 2 weeks my bank balance has taken some pretty bad clothing-induced injuries. 

The Asos sale was the first to ensnare me. I managed to pick up a this lovely pair of high waisted 'Denim Knicker Shorts in Indigo' for £5. Now, by the word 'knicker' i knew they were gonna be skimpy, but i didn't realise just quite how skimpy until i tried them on - my poor bottom was hardly covered :( wayy to much bum for public viewing in my opinion. So those will be going back.
Next up i made the mistake of going into Topshop and Primark while having one of those "i'm gonna treat myself to things i can't really afford" type days.
I picked up two T-shirts from Topshop, and a top, skirt and pair of shoes (oh dear) from Primark.
Primark Maxi Skirt - £12  // Topshop LA Tee - £18 // Topshop Geek Tee - £16 // Primark Shoulder Spikes Tee - £5
The maxi skirt is one of those that is sheer material with a mini skirt sewn in underneath. It feels really soft and i think the length is pretty good (i'm 5'6"). The only thing I would say is that the sizing is off - I'd recommend getting a size bigger than you usually would. The white top is true to size, reaches to just below bum level and is also really soft. However I will be keeping an eye on the spikes during washing and drying, etc. as they don't feel particularly secure. 
I love my Topshop LA and Geek Tees. The material on both of them feels really good quality and they both have thick, rolled sleeves. The LA one also comes down to just below bum level.

Last but not least are my gorgeous Primark wedges. I was actually scouring the shoe section for some practical flat boots, but these caught my eye and once i'd tried them on i had to have them! They're the perfect height and the shape is really flattering, plus they're surprisingly comfy.
Primark Curve Wedges - £16
I decided to include a little video for you to show you how all the things look on. To get an idea of sizing, the tops and shorts are a size 8 while the skirt is a size 10.
Apologies in advance for my messy room, dirty mirror and rather awkward poses.

Denim Shorts (with Primark & LA tees) - Dad's old Levi's that I cut off.
Shoes (up until maxi skirt) - Primark Black Trainer Wedges.
Song - Gloss by SBTRKT

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

OOTD - Leather & Denim

Ear Cuff - Topshop (2 years ago)
Grey Tee - Topshop
Denim Jacket - Dad's
Leather Jacket - Unbranded from the Clothes Show (2008)
Skirt - Primark
Over the Knee Socks - eBay
Studded Flats - Topshop

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Lashes of London Wishlist

Heard about this competition from the lovely Lauren at  http://bitsandbeautybobs.blogspot.co.uk.

The prize is a £200 voucher to spend at Lashes of London
To enter, all you have to do is compile you own wish-list of clothes from their website and email the link to bloggers@e-tailwebstores.com by the 17th Feb.

Read more about the competition here.

These are the lovely pieces that I picked out from their website. There's a sale on at the moment too - bonus! 

Ramona Embellished Dress // Brindley Jacquard Capri Trousers // Esparadiso Bandeau Skater Dress
If you enter I'd love to see your wishlists so link them in the comments below if you like :) 

P.S. Got some pretty exciting things to show you that I picked up from Topshop, Asos and Primark this week (even though i'm meant to be saving money aha) so keep an eye out! 

Monday, 4 February 2013

OOTD - Leather & Burgundy

Went out for a Chinese with the family to celebrate my brother's birthday the other night, this is what I wore...
Leather Jacket - Clothes Show 2008 (unbranded)
Grey Hoody - Topman
Oversized Burgundy Tee - Topshop
Black Skinny Jeans - Asos (couldn't find the exact ones)

Saturday, 2 February 2013

The Liebster Award


Thank you so so much to the lovely Terri at 1stepclosereveryday.blogspot.co.uk for nominating me! :)

The Liebster award is given to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. Liebster is a German word meaning sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing and welcome.

  1. List 11 facts about yourself.
  2. Answer the 11 questions given to you. 
  3. Write 11 new questions for the bloggers you nominate.
  4. Choose 9 bloggers with less than 200 followers to nominate and go to their blog to tell them.
  5. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.
Facts About Me
  1. I'm extremely shy in person. People unfortunately often mistake it for rudeness.
  2. Very few people know me well, even once comfortable with someone i tend to keep a lot of myself to myself.
  3. I'm in my first year at university studying for a BA in 'Specialist Hair and Media Make-up'.
  4. I don't really like clubbing and am far from the 'typical' uni student.
  5. I absolutely love the Lord of the Rings films, and The Hobbit.
  6. I'm always listening to music. At the moment i'm working my way through the majesticcasual channel on youtube.
  7. I love the sound of rain on the roof top when i'm all tucked up in bed.
  8. I really want go traveling a lot over the next few years. Especially around Europe.
  9. I don't like tea or coffee. Instead I like to drink fruit teas and hot chocolate.  
  10. I've completed a 3x3 and a 4x4 Rubik's cube.
  11. I constantly sing and talk to myself while driving - i' get so many strange looks from other drivers.
Questions from Terri
  1. Favourite colour? Purpley/Burgandy/Wine colour
  2. A song you love but won't admit? Hmmm, i'd probably have to say Birthday Cake by Rhianna and Chris brown. I hate myself for liking it but it's just so catchy! aha 
  3. Favourite Food? I am a food lover so i can't just pick one particular thing! But if i had to choose one style of food to eat for the rest of my life it would be Italian/Mediterranean
  4. Favourite Product? My favourite product at the moment is definitely Beguiled lipstick by Topshop - i just cannot stop wearing it!
  5. A song you know all the words to? Good Morning Baltimore from the Hairspray soundtrack. In fact, most of the songs from the Hairspray soundtrack. And Colours of the Wind from Pocahontas - love that one.
  6. An embarrassing moment? When i met Stefan from The Midnight Beast at Reading in 2010 and practically lost all capacity to speak.
  7. Something you regret doing? I regret changing from orange to 3 - can't get any signal at home unless i stand in the middle of the garden!
  8. Something you regret not doing? I regret not going on a camping holiday with my friends a couple of summers ago. 
  9. Boots or Superdrug? I'd have to say Boots.
  10. Worst fashion mistake you've made? Probably the 'goth' phase i went through when i was about 12 :')
  11. Be honest, do you know all the moves to the macarena? Of course!
My Questions for Bloggers
  1. Gold or Silver?
  2. Most recently read book?
  3. Favourite high street clothing brand?
  4. What's your one holy grail make-up product?
  5. Shoes or Handbags?
  6. What's your biggest pet peeve?
  7. Best childhood memory?
  8. Do you have any pets?
  9. Favourite film?
  10. What was your first every blog post about?
  11. What are you most looking forward to in 2013?
I Nominate:
  1. Daisy - http://everythingandthegirlxo.blogspot.co.uk/
  2. Amy - http://dusterknuckles.blogspot.co.uk/
  3. Lily - http://lilipalooza.blogspot.co.uk/
  4. Megan - http://out-of-liner.blogspot.co.uk/
  5. Codie - http://wearingwanderlust.blogspot.co.uk/
    (just doing 5, i think 9 is a little excessive)
Hope you all enjoyed reading my facts and answers and hope my nominees enjoy answering their questions. Please go and check out all of their blogs if you don't follow them already as they are all great bloggers who deserve more recognition than they currently have. 

*VLP = very long post!

Friday, 1 February 2013

February Wishlist

So i've decided i'm better off doing monthly wish lists. Here's my first one, for February.
*Boohoo Black Polo Neck Dress*
I really want a simple black dress, with long(ish) sleeves for layering and i love the polo neck on this one.

*Topshop LA Tee*
Think this would be a great basic tee that could be thrown on top of almost any bottoms.

*Love, Hearts & Crosses Triangle Collar Necklace*
I've wanted this every since i saw Zoella wearing it in her festive room tour video but it is forever out of stock! I'm hoping this'll be the month that they'll buy in some more.

*River Island Denim Dungarees*
I have had a strange urge to buy denim dungarees every since i saw them in Beautycrush's winter look-book video. I think they're a really cute piece with a 90s feel to them that could be worn throughout the year (not constantly, mind)

*Heeled Chelsea Boots*
These are one of those things where i really want them but honestly don't know if they'd ever get worn. I think they're probably last place on my wishlist.

*Topshop Geek Crop*
I love this top. Again, i don't how much i'd wear it, but i do think it'd be super cute in summer.

*Velvet Leggings*
The velvet just adds a subtle difference stopping these leggings from being boring, but being black they would still be easily wearable.

*Topshop Black Glitter Trim & Cream Lace Trim Socks*
Just think these would look cute worn under heels. Again, less of a want than some of the other ones on here.

*Mini (15ml) Liz Earle Cleanse & Polish*
Decided i'm gonna get myself i super mini one! Then i get to try it out without committing to the rather large price tag that the 100ml carries.

Hope you enjoyed my February wishlist. Let me know if any of the items take your fancy too :)

Thursday, 31 January 2013

Morning (Pre-Make-up) Skincare Rountine

Every morning, before applying make-up, i like to exfoliate my skin and use a light moisturiser. I exfoliate because i think it really wakes my skin up and buffing away blackheads and dead skin cells provides a smooth base for my make-up. I also like to use a very light moisturiser because I find anything too thick makes my face oily which results in my make-up sliding around on my skin and looking shiny - not a good look!
The Body Shop Seaweed Pore Cleansing Facial Exfoliator,  E45 Moisturising Lotion
*The Body Shop Seaweed Pore Cleansing Facial Exfoliator*
I used to use a Clearasil exfoliator. I started using it during school to combat my acne that I developed as a young teenager. However since i've aged my skin has (obviously) changed. Instead of mostly oily skin i now have skin that seems to change it's type everyday. Some days it's oily, some days it's dry. I still get the odd breakout but then next to that i'll have a sore, dry, flacky patch - it's just very awkward! I discovered the seaweed range at the body shop last year and this exfoliator is just perfect! It smoothes away dead skin cells and clears away blackheads, without being drying. It leaves me with lovely soft skin. It's a little pricy, but it last's me ages; using once a day, most days of the week, a tube this size (75ml) will last me a good 5/6 months. Available here.

*E45 Moisturising Lotion*
This product is perfect for my skin after exfoliating; because it's E45, it's formulated to work on very dry sensitive skin yet because it's a lotion it's extremely thin and doesn't leave my skin oily. Often i find moisturizers that are great for dry skin, but are thick so make me oily, or ones that are thin enough for oily skin but they don't do anything for my dry patches. This is the best of both worlds. And, it's super affordable! You only need a tiny amount so a bottle that size (200ml) would easily last over a year. Available here.

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Mermaid Hair & Too Much Make-up - F&OOTD

I washed my hair yesterday evening and let it air dry until slightly damp. I then did a french plait on either side of my head and slept in them. I do this a lot since i'm extionally lazy when it comes to washing, drying & styling my hair. This way, i can simply whack it in two plaits without have to dry it and wake up the next morning with it practically styled for me. With a bit of wax and hairspray added, i really like the way it looks. Also, doing this most of the time saves my hair from a lot of heat damage! I applied my make-up as normal, expect for lipstick. (Please excuse the slightly eccentric dressing gown.)

I undid the plaits and gently ran my fingers through them. I then used some hairspray and Garnier hair wax to add volume, before pinning back my fringe/top/side section which is at a very strange awkward length at the moment, so with me being too lazy to trim it I have taken to just pinning it back. Then i put a bit of lippy on (Beguiled by Topshop.... you could've guessed).

  • Outfit (not sure what my left arm is doing?)
    • Long Sleeve Black T-shirt - New Look
    • Check Shirt - Hearts & Bows @ Asos
    • Skirt - Primark
    • (as usual, worn with my charity shop boots, bag & camo jacket with Topman hoody underneath)

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Topshop Organza Trim Socks

Just been browsing Topshop's 'New In' and spotted these lovelies! Aren't they just the most adorable socks ever!? I have no idea what I'd wear them with, but they're just so cute, i had to share!
(Apricot, Lilac, Mint)